Thaís Lima
I became interested in the mysteries of the universe and life since I was a child. Self knowledge and observation are my greatest passions!
Parallel to the studies of Astrology, Energetics and Integrative Therapies, I was also building a career in Marketing and Advertising. I spent 10 years in this field until, after suffering from a Burnout, I finally decided to dedicate 100% of my time to what moves my soul.
Over 10 years of study ans experience. I am specialized in Natal / Psychological /Karmic Readings, Counseling, Forecasts (Revolutions / Progressions / Transits), Vocational Reading, Synastry, Childhood, Systemic Astrology, Astrocartography, Astrolocality Techniques, Cosmobiology and Uranian Astrology. I use both the precepts of Classical, Hellenistic and Modern Astrology in order to have a more integral view of the chart. Despite all of those techiniques, the Psychological approach is the one that guides my reading.
I have an International Certification in Astrocartography by Continuum (official foundation of Jim Lewis, creator of the technique) and in Astromapping I by Kepler College, in addition to courses and specializations in the area with other researchers around the world.
Reiki, Magnified Healing, Light Healing, Religare (Isabel Otto), Instructor and Facilitator of Multidimensional Therapy, Thetahealing (8 modules), Hoʻoponopono, EFT, Access Bars, Dowsing, ICE DNA & Environments (Noemi Badialli), Crystal Remote Viewing and I am Bellatrix Healer.
The systemic view permeates all my appointments (and also life, I would say). I try to observe in each situation what needs to be seen, what is being excluded, the order and the right to belong. Training in Systemic and Structural Family Constellation by Alex Possato.
Floral Alchemy Joel Aleixo (Astrological Florals), Yoga (200-Hour Teacher Training by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta) and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy & Regression by Instituto Cintia Balotta.
Marketing at PUC-SP, Specialization in Market Research at ECA / USP, Digital Marketing at University of California, Los Angeles. I have worked at Editora Abril, Yahoo !, Folha de S.Paulo, Discovery, Comscore and Taboola.