Astrocartography is a technique that combines two wonderful things: Astrology and Travel .
I bet you loved it, didn't you? 🤣
In this approach, we overlay your Natal Map on the Globe, and this will result in 40+ specific lines (one line from each planet at each angle) that will be distributed around the planet.
TIP: If you want to understand more about the technique, I invite you to read my post " What is Astrocartography? "
Astrocartography assumes that in certain places in the world, some planet in your natal chart will occupy a prominent position. Such positions are shown on the astrocartographic chart through several vertical and horizontal lines.
🌎 When moving to any of these planetary lines you will be going to a place where the potential for manifestation of that planet is stronger. When this happens, you have a chance to experience this planetary energy more intensily.
⚠️ It is important to note that it is not enough to generate the astrocartographic chart on and travel.
First of all, it is essential to interpret the Natal Chart (that is, to analyze the positioning of the planets by house, sign, aspects, rules, etc.) and understand how you have been integrating those energies in your life today.
After all, when you go to an astrocartographic line, you will be carrying your birth chart with you. If you don't have a well-integrated planet, depending on where you go, you'll just emphasize the challenges you already have.
But calm down, we can re-signify this by being aware of these aspects and I approach this during our conversation. =)
During the reading, I'll show you the current scenario of your map and guide you to experience the planetary symbolism of your natal chart at the highest frequencies. This way, if you decide to travel or move, you will have the chance to be more present and aware.
The purpose of this reading is to provide a greater connection with your inner world (Natal Chart)
and with your external world (Travel / Civilizations / Portals / Cultures).
Frequently Asked Questions
🌎 What do I need to do my Astrocartography?
You need to know your date of birth, exact time of birth and location. The exact time is essential , since this will determine the angles of your map. If you don't know your exact time, I recommend that you look out for an astrologer specialized in Horary Rectification before scheduling your reading with me! 😉
Drive to want to know more, evolve and use travel as a way of self-knowledge
and transformation 🤍
🌎 Do I need to understand Astrology ? Do I need to have done my Natal Map before?
No. You do not need to have knowledge of Astrology, nor do you need to have done the Natal Chart previously. My language will be 100% adapted to your backgorund and I will not use technical terms if you are not familiar.
I will explain the step by step of how everything works and the logic of the technique. The goal is that you also learn during the session . The first part of the reading is reserved for reading the Natal Chart and then we go trough your Astrocartographic Chart.
🌎 How can astrocartography help me?
Understand which are the destinations where you have the greatest potential to integrate certain planetary energies for different purposes, such as relationships, career, purpose, studies, family, business, spirituality, etc.
Possibility to mitigate, accentuate or awaken points on your Natal Chart
Activation of life themes
Self knowledge
🌎 Does Astrocartography only applies to those who want to travel or move?
No. It is possible to remotely experience and activate the planetary symbolism just by getting in touch with people, objects and subjects related to the region. Example: culture, religion, authors, gastronomy, language, art, music, institutions, products, etc.
You can make your astrocartographic chart just for self-knowledge, without necessarily having a trip scheduled. The process is a beautiful and profound internal journey!
🌎 How can I use Astrocartography in my life?
Planning vacation or travel with purpose
Planning an exchange
Planning a sabbatical year
Planning an expatriation / moving to another country
Understanding of travel and past experiences in other countries
Understanding the experience potential in certain places ( Relocated Map )
Understanding what are the astrological transits and progressions that will occur at the destination of your trip (Cyclocartography)
Remote activation of the desired energies in your daily life, through objects, people and subjects connected to the astrocartographic line
❌ What NOT expect from the Astrocartographic Chart?
Deterministic guidelines, such as "Go to that place / Don't go to that place"
Rigid statements like "This line is bad" and "This line is good"
Fortune-telling and guesswork
Let me decide your destiny or planning. I will give you the scenarios and perspectives, but the decision and responsibility is 100% yours
Don't expect your life to change completely just by traveling to an astrocartographic line.
Internal work is necessary before any external repercussions. I invite you to read THIS post where I talk more about this subject
✔️ What to expect from the Astrocartographic Chart?
Encouraging reflection on how you have been integrating the positioning of your natal chart today and how it can be reflected in the main astrocartographic lines around the world
Mapping the possibilities of destinations for different objectives (career, finance, relationships, family, expansion, inspiration, purpose, courage, independence, responsibility, spirituality, etc.)
Stimulating self-knowledge and self-responsibility
Greater awareness of your map and your choices
How is the session?
Para que a interpretação do seu Mapa Astrocartográfico seja efetiva, sigo um método que desenvolvi para analisar os seus destinos de viagens passadas ou futuras. Analiso de que forma esses lugares dialogam com o seu Mapa Natal, com os seus Ciclos Astrológicos e o seu Momento de Vida. Pela minha experiência atendendo centenas de pessoas ao redor do mundo, esse tem sido o formato mais efetivo.
Toda a leitura vai ter como base o Questionário Pré-Leitura que você preencherá. É um questionário bem completo que me ajuda a entender de que forma você vem vivenciando cada planeta e quais são os seus objetivos e destinos desejados.
Farei uma análise que utiliza diversas técnicas combinadas: Astrocartografia, Mapa Realocado, Local Space Chart, Parans, Midpoints, Ciclocartografia... tudo para construir uma lógica que te ajudará a entender o potencial de experiência que certos locais oferecem para você. A intenção é trazer clareza para que você extraia o máximo das suas viagens.
Todo o material 100% personalizado, considerando o seu mapa, momento, objetivos e contexto de vida. Tudo é desenvolvido exclusivamente para você, sem cópias ou textos pré-definidos. Me preparo profundamente para elaborar a síntese de todos os pontos e também medito e me conecto para que a intuição tenha espaço durante o processo!
Atendimento online ao vivo, com gravação em vídeo que te permitirá acompanhar todo o raciocínio de forma bastante visual e didática, pois a intenção é que você também aprenda mais sobre a técnica e possa utilizá-la posteriormente na sua vida.
Como funciona?
💻 Atendimento: Online, ao vivo
🕑 Duração: 2h
🌎 Número de destinos analisados: varia de acordo com o formato escolhido
🧭 Orientação para os seus objetivos: você poderá destacar alguma temática que gostaria de trabalhar no momento, para que eu dê sugestões sobre como a astrocartografia pode te apoiar nesse processo. Posso sugerir lugares compatíveis com o seu objetivo e/ou técnicas e asuntos relacionados. Lembrando que somente viajar para algum lugar não resolverá suas questões. O objetivo aqui é trazer mais consciência sobre o potencial dos lugares para que você ganhe uma maior consciência e tenha mais ferramentas para trabalhar internamente o seu processo.
💬 Suporte: você poderá tirar dúvidas por e-mail e também compartilhar comigo a sua percepção
💳 Forma de pagamento: PIX / Transferência Bancária / PagSeguro / PayPal
O que vou receber antes e após o atendimento?
📙 Pré-atendimento: material introdutório que apresenta os principais conceitos que serão abordados durante a nossa conversa e instruções para o preenchimento do Questionário Pré-Leitura
🎞️ Gravação: gravação em vídeo da sessão
🪐 Gráfico do Mapa Natal: arquivo em PDF do gráfico do seu Mapa Natal
🗺️ Gráfico do Mapa Astrocartográfico: arquivo em PNG do seu Mapa Astrocartográfico com 48 linhas
🌎 Gráfico de cada linha astrocartográfica: gráfico com o filtro das linhas de cada planeta ao redor do mundo, para facilitar a sua visualização
☀️ Mapeamento do Sol e Lua ao redor do mundo: com esse mapa você identificará facilmente a posição do seu Sol e Lua nos mapas realocados ao redor do mundo
📘 E-book "Astrocartografia Passo a Passo": um e-book que desenvolvi para que você aprenda mais sobre a técnica e utilize essa ferramenta na sua vida após o atendimento
💫 Pós-atendimento: orientações de como utilizar os materiais compartilhados
💬 Suporte: suporte por e-mail para esclarecimento de dúvidas que possam surgir após a leitura

Exemplo de mapa astrocartográfico com as 48 linhas

Exemplo do mapeamento da posição do Sol no Mapa Realocado ao redor do mundo

Exemplo de mapa com o filtro por planeta, para facilitar a visualização

Exemplo do mapeamento de parans
e midpoints
Who will guide you

My name is Thaís Lima and I am an Astrologer specialized in Astrolocality. I have International Certification in Astrocartography by Continuum (official foundation dedicated to Jim Lewis, creator of the technique) and I'm a researcher of the subject. My intention is to provide with my sessions a greater connection with your inner and external world, through a holistic approach of your astrological chart, life history and objectives. If you want to know more about my journey, CLICK HERE.
Check out the experience of some people who went through the Astrocartography session
"Going through the session with Thaís exceeded my expectations! In addition to the extensive knowledge, Thaís adjusts its language to our understanding and is able to explain in a practical way astrological aspects with a lot of assertiveness and transparency. The analysis of the map with Astrocartography is really incredible, and I was admired as this really is a valuable tool not only for travel itself, but for a broader look that contributes to the journey of self-knowledge. In addition to the wealth of information and explanations of the session itself, Thaís is extremely organized and delivers after the session various files, materials, recording of the session and everything else so that we can save and archive properly and in addition, it teaches us to revisit all the information provided for any individual "rereading" according to our particular motivations. I highly recommend it! "
- Jéssica Bonfá, Mestra-Professora de Magnified Healing®️ | @conselhosdodespertar
"É evidente o amor que a Thaís sente pela astrologia. A leitura do meu mapa astral e a astrocartografia superaram as minhas expectativas. Entendi como posso aproveitar oportunidades de acordo com o país que estou, como superar dificuldades para atingir meus objetivos e usar o mapa astral a meu favor.
Como boa virginiana, a Thaís é muito atenciosa e detalhista. Indico de olhos fechados. :) "
- Kalina Barsante | @jornadarica
How do I schedule my session?
April spots are filled out.
Leave your name on my WAITING LIST if you want to be notified by email about my schedule